As your parent gets older, they may not be taking care of themselves the way they used to. After falling in the shower, they are anxious and only take a shower if someone says something. It’s time to help them, but you’re not sure how to get started. What services are offered by
personal home care attendants?
Here’s a list of what your senior can have personal home care aides help them accomplish each day.
Toileting and Incontinence Care

Personal Home Care Marietta GA – Explore the Benefits Personal Home Care Provides
One issue that arises regularly, especially in older adults with dementia, is a UTI. Your loved one is dealing with this. They have another UTI and their doctor recommends getting someone to help your loved one with toileting.
Their personal home care attendant can help them clean up after using the toilet. If your senior needs a reminder to use the toilet, that’s an option. If they need help changing clothes after an accident, the caregiver can help.
Skin Care and Shaving
Your parent struggles to apply skin cream to hard-to-reach areas. They can’t hold a razor correctly in order to shave their armpits and legs, and it bothers them not to have a close shave in those areas. Hire a personal care attendant to help them with shaving and skincare routines.
Oral Care
Proper oral care helps prevent gum disease and tooth loss. Your senior should be brushing their teeth at least twice a day and flossing once. Twice-yearly visits to their dentist for a cleaning and exam are also important. What if they can’t manage daily brushing and flossing routines?
Caregivers offering personal home care services can brush and floss their teeth. They can help them keep their teeth and gums healthy.
Your parent has a hard time figuring out what outfit to wear for the day. They try to put on clothes that are too hot in the summer and clothing that’s not heavy enough in the winter. Hire a personal home care attendant to help them choose an appropriate outfit.
When dressing, the caregiver can help snap snaps, button buttons, and zip zippers. Your elder won’t have to try to tie their shoes or risk falling because they loosen and come untied while they’re walking.
Baths and Showers
Whether they want to take a warm bath or prefer a shower, your senior can’t do it without help. They need someone to support them while they get in and out of the bathtub area. If they need a shower seat, a caregiver helps them get settled on the chair before bathing.
Arthritis keeps your parent from properly washing hair and hard-to-reach areas like toes and behind their ears. The caregiver can ensure these areas get washed properly.
Talk to our personal home care expert about grooming and hygiene services. You’ll find out how to arrange services, schedule caregiver visits, and what personal care covers.
If you or an aging loved one is considering Personal Home Care Services in Marietta GA please contact the caring staff at CaraVita Home Care today. (770) 643-1712