Home Care in Roswell GA: Four Tools and Resources for Helping Your Diabetic Family Member
Whether your senior has been dealing with diabetes for her entire life or this is a new diagnosis, it can be a lot to manage. There are plenty of tools and gadgets that can simplify the more complicated aspects of managing diabetes. The trick is sometimes figuring out which ones are going to be most helpful for your senior. Your senior may also need some extra help in other areas, and that’s more plentiful than she might imagine.
Alternative Glucose Meters
There are more types of glucose meters than ever before, which can be fantastic if your senior has other needs, too. For starters, she may qualify for a continuous glucose monitor, so it is a good idea to contact her insurance company and find out. If that’s more than she wants, then looking for a monitor with a large, lighted display may be another option. Others connect directly to an app on your senior’s smartphone so that she doesn’t have to keep a paper log.
Reminder and Tracking Apps
Speaking of apps, there are tons of them available. Many will operate on either a tablet or a smartphone, which makes them incredibly convenient. Very often these apps give a spot for tracking readings, insulin doses, other medication doses, and food intake. If your elderly family member wants to track exercise and other details, she can likely find an app that does that, too. Many of these apps also offer reminders, which can be crucial.
Help from Family and Friends
Family members and friends could be another fantastic help. They can be exercise buddies, assist with testing reminders, or even help by cooking foods that are nutritious and tasty. Any little bit of assistance that they can provide can help your elderly family member to stay on track with her goals around diabetes and her health in general.
Assistance from Home Care Providers
If your elderly family member needs a lot more help with testing and other concerns around managing diabetes, then
home care providers are an excellent choice. They can make sure that your senior is eating regular meals that are full of healthy ingredients. They can also help her to get to appointments with her doctor safely and on time.
Talk to your senior’s doctor about what else you can do to help her to have as much success as possible with diabetes management on a daily basis.
Talk To Us
Considering Home Care Near Roswell, GA? Our in-home care services offer dedicated care and education to families in the Roswell, Georgia area. We empower those we serve, and their families, to live life to the fullest and embrace aging with joy, grace, and creativity. For more information on our in-home care services, please visit our website or contact a member of our team today. 770-643-1712