With warm weather, sitting inside all day just seems like a shame. But your aging loved one may not have the modes of transportation needed to go out and about and explore the town. Or they might have health issues that make leaving the comforts of home difficult. Those things should not keep them inside all day if they have a nice backyard to escape to. Some activities can be done alone, some may need the help of companion care at home providers.

Companion Care at Home Marietta GA - Great Backyard Activities for Your Senior

Companion Care at Home Marietta GA – Great Backyard Activities for Your Senior

Being Outside Provides Multiple Health Benefits for the Elderly

Not only can going outside provide entertainment, but it can also help improve your loved one’s mental health. Fresh air and sunshine can boost spirits and help her mood improve. Getting outside also provides Vitamin D, an important nutrient that helps in the absorption of calcium. Finally, it can encourage movement and help the body to stay flexible and strong.

Five Fun Backyard Activities For Your Senior Loved One

These can be fun activities to do with a visitor such as her companion care at home providers. All of them can be done in a yard no matter how small and may even be able to be done in a shared outdoor space like a courtyard.

Bird Watching. Just about all areas of the country have some type of bird that is common to that area, it doesn’t matter if your loved one lives in the city or the country, birds are almost always found. Your loved one can encourage birds to visit their little neck of the woods by putting out birdseed or a bird bath. They might have fun experimenting with different birdseed to see what kind of birds each type attracts. A companion care at home provider can help by filling the feeder if it is out of reach or heavy.

Weather Spotting. Watching a storm roll in or enjoying the beauty of the sun setting can help your loved one feel connected in the place they’re at. It reminds them of their place in this wide world and how special it can be. On a cloudy day, it can be fun to bring a grandchild out to find shapes in the clouds.

Gardening. Your loved one doesn’t need a ton of space to do a bit of gardening. Just a few planters may do the trick to plant some tomatoes or peppers. Caring for a living thing, even a plant, gives your loved one purpose and responsibility. These can increase feelings of self-worth and purpose, both important to your loved one’s overall mental health.

Painting or Drawing. The backyard can be a great place to set up an easel and let your loved one explore their creative side. You never know what they’ll be inspired by.

Games. If your loved one is mobile, the backyard can be a great place for her to play some simple games like croquet or badminton with her companion care at home provider. It provides movement and exercise to help their body stay strong.

Encourage your loved one to get outside at least once a day for a half hour to help them reap the fresh air’s benefits.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Companion Care at Home Services in Marietta GA please get in touch with the caring staff at CaraVita Home Care today. (770) 643-1712
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