The cleaning and maintenance tasks that need to be completed around the house change with the seasons. For seniors aging in place, understanding this and how to manage those tasks is crucial to ensuring their home is safe and comfortable all year. The good news is that with assistance in the home services, support from loved ones, and a few other resources, they gain the help they need.

Spring Tasks

Spring is a time to shake off the chill of winter and get outside again. This also makes it the ideal time for thorough house cleaning.

Some tips include the following:

Decluttering: To improve organization, seniors with assistance in the home can go through closets and drawers to clear them of things that are no longer needed.

Deep cleaning: During spring cleaning, it’s crucial to dust hard-to-reach places, clean windows, scrub floors, and wipe down baseboards. This can also be done with home care assistance. The result is cleaner indoor air quality and a fresher, more inviting home.

HVAC System Maintenance: To make sure the cooling system is ready to go, loved ones can schedule an inspection with a reliable HVAC team.

Summer Tasks

As the temperatures begin to rise, seniors might start spending more time in their yards, especially if they enjoy gardening.

Some tasks that may need to be completed include the following:

Yard Maintenance: Seniors may wish to do some of the easier tasks themselves, such as sweeping the sidewalk, but the larger items like mowing the lawn, pulling weeds, and trimming bushes might be best suited for a lawn care team.

Assess Doors and Windows: Now is a great time to look for any damage to doors or windows, as well as assess for drafts. If issues are found, work with a handyman to fix them before the weather turns cooler again.

Test Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Detectors: Family members should set a reminder to check loved ones’ carbon monoxide and smoke detectors. Also, with assistance in the home, seniors can practice their escape plans in case of a fire or another emergency.

Assistance in the Home Alpharetta GA - Exploring Seasonal Cleaning and Maintenance Task Support for Seniors

Assistance in the Home Alpharetta GA – Exploring Seasonal Cleaning and Maintenance Task Support for Seniors

Fall Tasks

The best time to get the house ready for the colder months is in the fall.

The following things should be the main priorities:

Gutter Cleaning: To avoid water damage, the guttering system should be cleared of leaves and other debris. For a one-two punch, loved ones can look for a team that does both roofing and guttering so each system can be assessed.

HVAC Inspection: Before winter arrives, schedule an inspection to make sure the heater is in good operating order.

Winter Tasks

Depending on where seniors live, winter includes the possibility of slick weather and much cooler temperatures, both of which could spell trouble for seniors.

To keep them safe, the following tasks need to be completed:

Snow and Ice Removal: To avoid falls, loved ones should help seniors make sure their exterior paths are snow and ice-free.

Home Heating: Many seniors might still be cold despite having the furnace on, which might lead to the use of alternative heating sources. Loved ones should talk with seniors about using small heaters and ensure the ones they use have automatic shut-offs and are in good working order.

Appropriate Clothing: When seniors leave the home, they may need to be reminded to wear appropriate cold-weather gear, such as coats, gloves, and scarves.

With assistance in the home services and the help of loved ones, seniors can enjoy a well-maintained and safe home all year round, which ensures they can continue to age in place with confidence.

If you or an aging loved one is considering Assistance in the Home Services in Alpharetta GA please get in touch with the caring staff at CaraVita Home Care today. (770) 643-1712
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