If your mom or dad is aging in place you should be concerned about their
mental health as well as their physical health and safety. Seniors who live alone often are lonely and don’t get the social interaction they need to be healthy. There are a lot of benefits that seniors get from living in a home that’s familiar to them and where they are comfortable. But, if your mom or dad doesn’t drive and getting out of the house is difficult for them they are probably not getting enough socialization. Even if you visit them several days each week and spend as much time as you can with them, your mom or dad needs more social interaction.
Companion care at home services are a great solution for seniors who are at risk of being isolated at home.

Companion Care at Home Marietta GA – Does Your Senior Parent Need Companion Care At Home?
If your mom or dad has companion care at home they will get regular visits from a trusted companion. Their companion can do things like play games with them, read to them, and share meals and conversations with your mom or dad. Your mom or dad may not have mentioned to you that they’re lonely because they don’t want you to feel guilty or pressured to spend more time with them.
But if you notice any of these signs of loneliness in your mom or dad, they need companion care at home:
They Don’t Seem Interested in Activities They Once Enjoyed
If your parent used to love hobbies like reading, gardening, or doing puzzles but now shows little interest, loneliness could be the reason. When people feel isolated, they often lose motivation to do things they once enjoyed. They might say they’re “too tired” or “not in the mood” even for activities they used to look forward to. If you notice your parent no longer engage in their favorite pastimes, it could be a sign that they feel lonely or unmotivated without social interaction.
They Avoid Socializing or Making Plans
Some seniors withdraw from friends and family when they feel lonely. Instead of reaching out for company, they may say things like, “I don’t want to bother anyone,” or “No one wants to hear from me.” If your parent starts canceling plans or avoiding phone calls, this could be a warning sign. Loneliness can make people feel like they are a burden, even when their loved ones want to spend time with them. Pay attention if your parent is making excuses to avoid social situations.
They Seem Sad, Irritable, or Depressed
Loneliness often affects a person’s mood. If your parent seems sad, frustrated, or easily upset, they may be feeling isolated. They might complain more than usual, talk about how “things aren’t the same anymore,” or seem uninterested in daily life. Depression and loneliness often go hand in hand, so mood changes shouldn’t be ignored. If they seem more down than usual, it may be time to check in on their social life and emotional well-being.
They Talk About Feeling Forgotten or Left Out
A lonely senior may say things like, “No one visits me,” or “I don’t hear from anyone anymore.” Even if you check in regularly, they may still feel disconnected. Your mom or dad might express feelings of being forgotten, even if it isn’t true. These comments are signs that your parent craves more social interaction and may need more frequent check-ins, visits, or companionship.
They Have Trouble Sleeping or Changes in Appetite
Loneliness can affect your mom or dad’s physical health. If your parent is sleeping too much, struggling to fall asleep, or has lost their appetite, it could be a sign of loneliness. Some people eat less when they feel sad or alone, while others eat more for comfort. Sudden weight changes or ongoing fatigue could mean that your parent needs more social support.
If you or an aging loved one is considering 24-Hour Home Care Services in Marietta GA, please contact the caring staff at CaraVita Home Care today. (770) 643-1712